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Hello Darmstadt residents!  

I'm Mallory Lowe and have proudly served as
your Darmstadt Town Clerk-Treasurer since 2007. 

As the only Full-Time Elected Government Official, I run the
town on a daily basis performing all the duties of Town Manager, Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer, Sewer Utility Administrator, Payroll, A/R, A/P, Budget, Wedding Officiant, Tax Revenues, Records and am the Town Administrative Officer.  

My family has been residents of Darmstadt for many years. My husband, Mark Lowe, is a US Navy Veteran.  We were married at the beautiful Darmstadt Bauerhaus in 1999.

After completing several hours of training through Indiana State's AIM Municipal Management Institute over my years of service to Darmstadt, I've achieved "Certified Municipal Official".  

I completed my certification training, was awarded the State's CMO level 2 in 2013 and Full Certification in 2016.  I'm the first Elected Darmstadt Official in our town's history to have attained a Municipal Certification. 

Ongoing annual training for this position is required.  I continuously work with the Indiana State Board of Accounts, Accelerated Indiana Municipalities, Department of Local Government Finance and Indiana League of Municipal Clerk-Treasurer's to keep my education credit certifications current.

I volunteered my time several years ago to build this website for our town residents with community events and town info. I do my best to update it as time allows, but of course many deadlines take priority sometimes.  

My goal in building this website is to bring our Community Together, build morale and support Hometown Pride!

Town Clerk-Treasurer
Mallory Lowe

The Town Clerk-Treasurer’s office is the “Information Hub” providing information to all town departments, residents, and general public without exception. The Clerk-Treasurer is called upon several times daily, to provide a service or information.
Over the years, all Municipal Clerk offices have become the direct link between local government and the residents of the community and general public. 
The Clerk is the historian of the community, for the entire recorded history of the town and the people is in his or her care.
The eminent political scientist, Professor William Bennett Munro, writing in one of the first textbooks on municipal administration (1934), stated: “No other office in municipal service has so many contracts. The work in this office demands versatility, alertness, accuracy, and no end of patience. The public does not realize how many loose ends of city administration this office pulls together."
These words, written more than 70 years ago, are even more appropriate today.

The Municipal Clerk is the oldest of public servants in local government, along with the tax collector. The profession traces back before Biblical times. 


  • 2024 State Elected Officials Training & School, Indianapolis 
  • 2023 CMC Certified Municipal Clerk Training, MMC Master Municipal Clerk Training
  • 2023 Indiana League of Municipal Clerk Treasurers District Training
  • 2023 Indiana State Board of Accounts State Training Certification & ILMCT School
  • 2022 Indiana State Board of Accounts State Training Certification
  • 2021 Annual Indiana State Board of Accounts & Clerk-Treasurers school ILMCT
  • 2021 AIM & ILMCT State Conference & Training School
  • 2020 Annual Indiana Clerk-Treasurers School ILMCT
  • 2020 AIM NEO Elected Officials Municipal School, Indianapolis
  • 2018 Annual State Board of Accounts School
  • 2010 Annual State Board of Accounts School
  • 2008 "Code of Ethics Award" IIMC from International Institute of Municipal Clerks
  • 2007 to Present Clerk-Treasurer for the Town of Darmstadt, Indiana  
  • 2003 Software Solutions Certification, FMC, Phoenix, Arizona
  • 2003 Effective Supervisory Management Certificate, LMI  
  • 1998 New Testament Christianity, Oakland City University



                                  JULY  1973 - DEC 1993    GOERGE KRIETEMEYER  SERVED   20  YEARS
                            JAN   1994 - DEC 1999     GENE KOCH                       SERVED     6  YEARS 
                            JAN   2000 - AUG 2002     JESSICA MEZO                 SERVED     2  YEARS
                            SEPT 2002 - NOV 2006     PAM AMBROSE                  SERVED  3.5  YEARS
                            DEC   2006 - FEB 2007     CAROL HOFFHERR            SERVED     3  MONTHS
                            FEB   2007 - APR 2007     PAM AMBROSE                  SERVED     3  MONTHS
                            MAY   2007 - PRESENT    MALLORY LOWE                SERVED   17+ YEARS